What is iPal Global?
iPal Global is a free, downloadable app that provides access to essential palliative care information in any care setting, including locations with limited internet access or phone service. The app delivers essential information on how to provide quality palliative care in resource-constrained environments. The iPal Global app is specially designed for use by clinicians in low- and middle-income countries where:
- Medications are limited;
- Access to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, organ transplant and maintenance therapies are limited or unavailable.
Instant point-of-care access
Essential palliative care information at your fingertips wherever you practice, including locations with limited internet or phone service. Read more…
A practical guide for health professionals
Tools, guidelines and advice to help you assess patients, manage symptoms, plan together, and communicate effectively.
Information you can trust
Developed by a renowned Canadian palliative care expert based on international guidelines, and reviewed by clinicians working globally. Read more…
The palliative care approach
A focus on preventing and relieving suffering to improve the quality of life of patients and families faced with life-threatening illness. Read more…